Feminists are obsessed with abortion. This issue has priority over all other issues for them. This is due to the fact that they believe women are the same as men, and that the sexes are interchangeable. They are fixated on this position. They think that women only require the opportunity to compete with men in the paid workforce to be successful, fulfilled and live a satisfactory life. To reach this conclusion, feminists have ignored the biological, psychological, emotional, sexual and social differences that exist between men and women.
One of the most obvious differences between the sexes is that women can become pregnant. To overcome this perceived impediment to equality with men, an impediment that interferes with the smooth operation of their agenda, they demand that abortion be readily available so that women will be able to proceed with their career or lifestyle, uninterrupted by a pregnancy. Feminists seem to regard pregnancy as the worst thing that can happen to a woman and therefore, it is crucial that free and unhindered access to abortion remain open so as to quickly remove this “problem”. Abortion is normal and reasonable to feminists, similar to an appointment with the dentist – uncomfortable but necessary so that a woman’s life may continue uninterrupted by a disagreeable situation.
The Reality of Abortion
This is not the reality of abortion. According to a study published in the October 2023 issue of BioMed Central Journal, which has a portfolio of over 300 peer reviewed studies, depression is prevalent in women following an abortion. Another study, published in May 2023, in the prestigious Open Access journal, Cureus, a majority of women who have had abortions (60%) would have carried the baby to term if they had received more support from others and had felt more financially secure. Twenty-five percent of the women in the study described the abortion as either unwanted or coerced. These studies, including others that indicate increased medical risks for women who use the abortion pill (as opposed to surgical abortions), are disturbing. Feminists, however, persistently ignore this reality, and push women to have abortions, despite the suffering and trauma it causes. Feminists appear to have more concern about furthering their ideology than the well-being of women. This is cold, cruel, calculating and reprehensible.
The Inequality of Sex-Selection Abortion – A Girl Has the Right to be Born
If this were not tragic enough, there is yet another tragic situation occurring with abortions in Canada. It is the horrific fact that abortions are being carried out on perfectly healthy babies for no reason other than the unborn child is the “wrong sex”, i.e., female. Despite this sexual holocaust, feminists remain silent and refuse to speak out against the practice of sex-selection abortion because to do so would undermine their premise that abortion is without consequences or risks and should be freely available.
The fact that sex-selection abortions are occurring in Canada was confirmed by Statistics Canada in 2006, and by two separate Canadian studies, in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) in June 2016 and the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada in April 2017. These studies confirm that sex-selection abortions are occurring among women from South Asia (India) even among second generation women born in Canada, as many continue with the cultural preference for males. Deaths caused by abortion on the basis of the child’s female sex are an unspeakable tragedy that feminists fail to acknowledge. The feminist obsession with unrestricted abortion indicates their blind and nihilistic devotion to an ideology of death that takes precedence over any concern for women.
Abortion in the USA
The objective of unrestricted abortion, no matter the circumstances, was apparent in the US when hysteria erupted in June 2022 after the US Supreme Court overturned the 1972 decision in Roe v. Wade, which had recognized women’s constitutional right to abortion. The overturning of Roe v. Wade, however, was long overdue as it was based on a hill of sand and had no legal, historical or scientific merit. In Roe, the US Supreme Court had miraculously discovered a totally new legal concept in the US Constitution of a “right to privacy”, a concept nobody had previously noticed during the over 200 years of the Constitution’s existence. The decision, Roe v. Wade, was a political decision, made in response to the trendy social issue at that time – overpopulation. The majority of Supreme Court judges thought abortion was a viable solution to this problem.
Abortion in Canada
The abortion situation in Canada is quite different. Since the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the regulation of abortion in R. v. Morgentaler in 1988, Canada has had no abortion law. The lack of restrictions to abortion has caused millions of deaths of unborn children. Left wing progressives, however, want the status quo to continue and have enforced a gag order against any public discussion on the issue. Should any public official bravely raise concerns about the lack of abortion regulation, he/she is immediately characterized as a right-wing, fringe extremist, to be ignored and ridiculed by respectable society. Thus, no public platform has been available by which a response to these vindictive attacks could be made, or an explanation of concerns provided.
The Diminishing Power of the Left
The influence of feminists and the media has been diminished in recent years. Now special interest groups have emerged on the political scene clamouring for recognition and government money in competition with the feminists. These new groups include Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ, activists, Aboriginal, and other racialized groups. Also, the media are no longer respected or trusted because the Trudeau government has been paying journalists millions of dollars to publish information that Trudeau allows. That is why the thousands of people who attend the March For Life in Ottawa each May received no coverage in the mainstream media. However, with the rise of social media and alternative media outlets, it is once again possible to further the discussion regarding abortion, its effects and its legitimacy.
Journalists who are silenced can easily shift to a growing number of platforms where they can freely express their views and analyses. The public can do likewise. The latest technologies enable the new media to compete daily with compromised mainstream media. Journalists can choose Rumble, X, Patreon, Locals, Substack, Truth Social, Parler, Lifesite, True North, The Rebel, Counter Signal, or countless others. As a result, mainstream media have retreated further into the shadows and appear to be unable to regain their monopoly. Major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok who engage in censorship and the removal of abortion information on their platforms are now faced with competing alternatives. This will help save the lives of female unborn children and remove the de facto gag order held on the issue by the mainstream media and the feminists.