Abortion is a disagreeable procedure. This is so even for activists, who demand and support its easy availability. Abortion is even more gruesome when it is linked to eugenics, i.e. aborting “undesirables” in order to supposedly improve the human race.
Eugenics was the incentive behind the establishment of the international giants of the abortion industry, such as International Planned Parenthood, established by racist Margaret Sanger, who sought to eliminate “negroes” and “the poor”. In Britain, Marie Stopes established the powerful, worldwide Marie Stopes International, which works especially to perform abortions in Africa. The darling of the feminists, former U.S. Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsberg was also securely on the eugenics bandwagon, when she stated that abortion will eliminate “the population we don’t want too many of”.
The abortion industry, however, has tried to hide its unsavory link to eugenics by hiding its agenda behind the politically-correct arguments of the feminist movement, which promotes abortion for the “empowerment of women”: a “woman’s right to her body and destiny” in order to achieve freedom to obtain employment outside the home and higher education, without responsibilities of the family. Abortion is portrayed totally by the industry as a benefit to women, never presuming there is a downside. The acquiring of the feminist mantle and support has allowed the abortion industry to become part of a broader movement, including climate change, which, apparently, is caused by too many people. At the same time, the industry continues with its objective of efficiently decreasing the world’s population. Distancing itself from its connections to eugenics and population control doesn’t change the objectives of the abortion industry.
A Developing Obstacle to the Spreading of Abortion
In the last few years, a stumbling block to the abortion industry has developed. The stumbling block is, in a word, “depopulation”. Nation after nation is reeling from falling birthrates, which is causing overwhelming economic and social problems. As a consequence of declining fertility, abortion has become an increasingly grave concern, since it results in the loss of many future workers. For example, China is now desperate to reverse the collapse of birthrates resulting from its intense population control program starting in 1980. This program led to China having one of the world’s highest abortion rates, losing 400 million people by abortion by 2016. In August 2022, China implemented “fertility friendly” policies, which included strongly “discouraging” abortion. Discouraging abortion in China is significant. It means that not much longer will China continue to tolerate abortions. Russia, Hungary, Poland, and Serbia are all now attempting to ward off demographic catastrophe by wide-ranging policies designed to encourage women to carry their babies to term. Procreation is a key policy in these countries. Poland has introduced a near total ban on abortion.
Eastern European countries, including Romania, Slovakia, Belarus, Bulgaria, and Moldavia are desperately encouraging births with a number of family policies. Abortion has become a discouraging word in these countries as well.
Western Europe and North America are still under the control of the elites, who insist on only progressive policies. These latter countries, however, at the same time, are also grappling with the problem of a rapidly declining birthrate, which they cannot ignore much longer. There are signs that control by the elites in these countries is slowly being eroded. A recent example is Italy, whose birthrate is the lowest in Europe. Italy recently elected a strong, pro-life, right-wing conservative government and leader, who is expected soon to provide pro-family policies, including restrictions on abortion.
The Tidal Wave is Receding
The tidal wave of worldwide abortion is slowly beginning to recede. This development is not occurring due to moral concerns or respect for the dignity of human life. Rather, it is occurring because of necessity.
We are relieved, nonetheless, about this development, regardless of the reasons why it is happening.