A quiet revolution is taking place in Canada that is changing the dynamics of this country. Unlike other revolutions, in a typical Canadian manner, it is quietly but firmly raising objections to the current order that is governing us – an order controlled by progressive elites. This revolution has made explicit that Canadians will no longer complacently accept the control of this country by progressive elites, which include the Trudeau government, unions, most corporations and public institutions, and the mainstream media.

The media are embedded within the Liberal government and vice versa, and have tried to stop this grassroots revolution, using the customary weapon of demonizing dissenters by characterizing them as uninformed, ignorant, inferior individuals led by other equally misguided lowlifes. However, Canadians no longer care what the media report, which the general public perceive as useful idiots promoting the woke “progressive” agenda. This perception is reinforced by the fact that the mainstream media are paid for by the Trudeau government and submit to its talking points. The public generally obtains information from independent social media, which are now dominating the information landscape.

Union leaders have also exposed themselves as frauds and have become disconnected from their rank and file members. Union leaders use the compulsory union dues of their members to push a leftist social agenda on issues such as abortion, transgenderism, homosexuality etc. Their woke positions on these issues do not reflect the views of most union members, who are hardworking, family oriented individuals. Union leaders do have the responsibility for the members in regard to collective bargaining, but not jumping off the wharf into deep waters on social issues where few of their members are willing to follow. The low turnout of the dissenters, vigorously encouraged by union leaders to counter the successful 1 Million March 4 Children on September 20, 2023, showed that union members did not support their leaderships’ position. Nearly all the counter demonstrators were activist members of the LGBTQ community.

The media promote the unions as the “powerful voice of labour”. In reality, union leaders are gusts of wind, as far as Canadian public opinion is concerned.

Canadian Dissent

The first indication of the new Quiet Revolution in Canada occurred in February, 2022 with the Freedom Convoy. The Trudeau government and the mainstream media were enraged by its presence. “How dare they!” was their reaction. Trudeau and the mainstream media called the participants of the convoy and supporters “hateful”, “misogynist”, and “racist”, and referred to the convoy as an “occupation” of Ottawa, the goal of which was to overthrow the government. This was a fabrication. Observers who witnessed the Convoy, formed their own, different opinion, which was accepted by most Canadians. The false depiction of the Convoy led to the loss of the final thread of credibility for the media.

The next indication of public disapproval occurred when the Trudeau government refused to hold a public inquiry on intelligence reports about Chinese intervention in Canadian elections. The public flatly refused to accept Trudeau’s friend and supporter, former Governor General David Johnston (who also had close personal ties with China), who was appointed to carry out an inquiry that would only be a cover-up for Trudeau. Johnston resigned from his appointment in a huff, insulted that Canadians would not accept his bias and inevitable cover up.  Pushed to the wall by the angered public and opposition parties, the Trudeau government was forced to establish an inquiry, led by Quebec Appeal Court Judge, Marie-Josée Hogue, who will submit her report on February 29, 2024.

The third manifestation of a revolution was the massive participation in the 1 Million March 4 Children, held on September 20, 2023 in cities across Canada. The marchers refused to accept the forced indoctrination of their children in the schools on issues of sexuality, homosexuality, and transgenderism. The so called “experts” pushing this program are left-wing ideologues who care little about the children, but a great deal about sexualizing and maintaining control of the next generation.

The most recent indication of a new Canadian Quiet Revolution was the public skepticism resulting from Trudeau’s dramatic allegation in the House of Commons, on September 18, 2023, that the Indian government was responsible for the shooting of a Sikh activist in June 2023 in Surrey. BC. Trudeau claimed that evidence of this event had been forwarded to the Indian Government. However, the latter stated that this never occurred, but would like to review this information, if it exists.

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh supported Trudeau’s allegations about India’s involvement, stating he had access to the confidential intelligence. Of course, Singh supports Trudeau on this. Singh has been a supporter of the Sikh movement to separate Punjab from India. In his 2019 book “Love and Courage”, Singh discussed at length his Sikh religion, its control over his life, and British India’s suppression of Sikhs. In 2015, Singh was refused a visa to India because of his comments against India’s treatment of Sikhs. As Singh keeps Trudeau in power as Prime Minister, he is necessary to Trudeau’s political survival.

Trudeau’s reaction to the public’s skepticism is that unfortunately he cannot share his information on these matters with the Canadian public because it is based on “confidential intelligence”.

Simply put, the common thread running through Trudeau’s recent reactions to criticism from the public, which include his proclamation of the Emergencies Act to oust the Freedom Convoy, the denial of a public inquiry regarding Chinese interference in Canada elections, his response to the 1 Million March 4 Children and the startling claim that agents from India had killed a Canadian Sikh, was that individuals who are homophobic, transphobic, biphobic (aversion toward bisexuality), and hateful have no place in this country.

Canadians’ Experience with Trudeau

After eight years of experience with Trudeau as Prime Minister, Canadians have learned that he is a liar, with no moral boundaries or sense of shame as his repeated ethics violations attest. He has become a diplomatic pariah, shunned at international meetings, such as the recent G20 meeting because of his failures to ensure Canada meets its international obligations, as well as for the vacuity of his intellect.  Trudeau is an empty vessel, lacking both intellectual muscle and moral backbone. He has never accepted any responsibility for his many failures and ethical breaches. Trudeau is an actor pretending to be a Prime Minister. He must go. One hopes that, once Trudeau is gone, Canada may begin to recover its previous decency and reliability, both at home and internationally.