When: October 27 – 30, 2015
Where: Salt Lake City, Utah
As a World Congress of Families Partner, we’re excited about World Congress of Families IX (October 27-30) in Salt Lake City. After Congresses in Prague (1997), Geneva (1999), Mexico City (2004), Warsaw (2007), Amsterdam (2009), Madrid (2010) and Sydney (2012), this is our first Congress in the United States, and it promises to be our best.
There’s an exciting lineup of speakers from Canada and around the world, including:
* Gwendolyn Landolt, National Vice President of REAL Women of Canada
* Miriam Grossman, M.D. Center for Medical Integrity in Intimacy Education
* John Henry Westen-LifeSiteNews, Canada
* Alissa Golob, Executive Director of Campaign Life Coalition Youth (Canada)
* Paige Patterson-past president of the Southern Baptist Convention, current
president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
* Pat Fagan-Marriage and Religion Research Institute at the Family Research Council
* Lila Rose-Live Action
* Theresa Okafor-Foundation for African Cultural Heritage, Nigeria
* Francisco Tatad-former Majority Leader, Philippine Senate
* Andrea Williams-Christian Concern, United Kingdom
* Errol Naidoo-Family Policy Institute, South Africa
* Rebekah ali-Gouveia-World Congress of Families Caribbean Coordinator, Trinidad
* Katharina Rothweiler-Red Familia, Mexico
* Austin Ruse-Center for Family and Human Rights
* Alexey Komov-St. Basil The Great Foundation, Russia
* Ignacio Arsuaga-CitizenGo, Spain
* Brian Brown-National Organization for Marriage
* Levan Vsadze-Demographic Research Institute, Republic of Georgia
* Ann Kioko-Kenya Christian Professionals Forum
Click Here for the program and a complete list of speakers.
World Congress of Families IX is an opportunity for you to meet, learn from and network with pro-life and pro-family leaders from more than 60 nations on six continents. It’s also an opportunity to show your solidarity with the international pro-family movement.
The program will focus on:
* Marriage – including declining marriage rates, divorce and attempts to redefine marriage
* Demographic Winter – declining fertility
* Abortion, euthanasia and other life issues
* Pornography and other forms of addiction
* Sex trafficking
* Parental rights and raising children who can survive a toxic culture
* Divorce
* Religious Freedom – including freedom of conscience
* And more
To register or for more information on World Congress of Families IX (October 27-30 in Salt Lake City), click here.
Feel free to contact REAL Women if you have any questions.