by Stephen Woodworth.  April 10, 2014.

OTTAWA – Stephen Woodworth, Member of Parliament for Kitchener Centre today asked Members of Parliament to unanimously agree that every Canadian law must be interpreted in a manner which recognizes the equal worth and dignity of everyone who is in fact a human being. Woodworth asked the House of Commons, “Who here wants to deny the equal worth and dignity of any fellow human being?”

During routine procedures at 10:00 AM Eastern time, some Members of Parliament voted “nay” when MP Woodworth asked for unanimous consent.

Under Parliamentary rules Woodworth could not, without unanimous consent, bring this Motion to a vote and his only option was to seek unanimous consent from all Members.

“There are no other Parliamentary options for Motion 476. Said Woodworth, “This marks a dark and dangerous day for Canada. Members of Parliament who voted against this motion have refused to endorse the essential principle of democratic governance which requires legal recognition of the equal worth and dignity of every member of the human family.”

The U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “legal recognition of the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of every member of the human family is the foundation for peace, justice and freedom in the world.”

Woodworth asserts that laws like Canada’s subsection 223(1), which falsely condemn as non-human those we know to be in fact human beings are a savage and inhumane throwback to the more barbarous age pre-dating the U.N. Declaration. “Such laws are not justified by any ideology or political agenda,” said Woodworth.

Source: MP Stephen Woodworth, Media Release