MP2012-Ambrose-About-IconA L E R T

Rona Ambrose, the Minister of Status of Women Canada, is being attacked by radical feminists and their spokespersons in the NDP and in the press for her courageous vote in support of Motion 312 to establish a Parliamentary committee to study the scientific and medical evidence of the humanity of the unborn child.

Please write a note or phone the office of Minister Ambrose to thank her for supporting Motion 312. She may be contacted at:

Tel: 613.996.9778
Fax: 613.996.0785

It is also important to support the other Cabinet Ministers and MP’s who voted “yes” for Motion 312. Our voice of support must be loud and clear as the media and anti-life voices are loud.

Contact information for MP’s:

Or, phone the Library of Parliament’s public information service at 1.866.599.4999.

You can also “Like” the Facebook page dedicated to supporting her position.

Click here to sign the petition. Sign your name to show Rona Ambrose your support for her courageous vote on Motion 312!