by Peter Baklinski
TORONTO, November 7, 2013 ( – Ontario’s police leaders have released a “best practices document” written by a gay activist lawyer that they say will help “strengthen relationships” between LGBTQ groups and police. But critics say it will be used to silence those who believe in traditional values.
“This document sends a strong signal to our LGBTQ communities and to everyone in our police organizations, that police are determined to proactively address issues that are of importance to our LGBTQ citizens, their families, and their friends,” said Chief Paul Cook, president of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP), in a press release.
However, Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition called the guidelines “pure propaganda designed to give the instruments of power to radical homosexual activists, so they can be used later on to punish those who disagree with their lifestyle.”
Gwen Landolt, lawyer and National Vice President of REAL Women Canada, said that Ontario police forces implementing the guidelines “will result in discrimination against all others who are not in the LGBTQ community.”
The 80-page document released Tuesday, titled “Best Practices in Policing and LGBTQ Communities in Ontario,” was overseen by OACP’s Diversity Committee over a two year period. The project’s lead researcher Kyle Kirkup, a “gay man” activist, lawyer, and criminal law scholar who “examines LGBTQ issues”, called the guidelines “the first document of its kind ever published in Canada, and we hope that it will serve as a model for other police organizations in Canada and internationally.”
The document urges police that as community leaders they have a “responsibility to support LGBTQ communities” and calls upon the force to “develop and maintain relationships with members of LGBTQ communities.” The document of guidelines seeks to help “eradicate homophobia and transphobia within police culture.”
While it calls for the use of “fair and equitable language” in LGBTQ matters, the document itself is comprised of homosexual language with words such as “homophobia”, “transphobia”, “heterosexism”, and provides a list of LGBTQ words and definitions to be used by the police services when referring to LGBTQ groups.
The document explains in detail that “terminology used to describe members of LGBTQ communities is fluid” and therefore police terminology must evolve with the changing times to avoid “discrimination”.
When interacting with transgender or transsexual individuals, police are asked to be “gentle and non-confrontational” so as to not “upset” anyone.
The document calls for the police force to “recruit members of LGBTQ communities to policing” and to develop a “strategy to retain LGBTQ police personnel” so as to “respond to the lived realities of local LGBTQ communities”.
Police forces should provide special “compensation”, “training and education advancement”, “incentives”, and “career laddering” for LGBTQ personnel in police service.
Police forces should “proactively prepar
The document “stressed the importance” of police “not enforcing” Criminal Code age of consent laws involving “anal intercourse” that have been struck down by five provinces including Ontario, but remain unamended by the Federal Government.
One recent graduate from an Ontario two-year law enforcement program said he was “disturbed” by the new behavioral guidelines.
“While everyone deserves fair and equal treatment under the law, these guidelines seem more about giving preferred treatment to members of the LGTBQ community,” he said to under conditions of anonymity.
The graduate, who is taking steps to enter the Ontario Provincial Police force, called giving special treatment to a select group of people through special guidelines a “form of inequality” for all others.
The document defines an LGBTQ “ally” as “people who are actively committed to diversity and inclusion for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.”
“Does this definition mean that I become an enemy if I’m not actively promoting the LGTBQ cause? It certainly seems to be the case,” he said.
“These police guidelines pushing preferred treatment based on sexual orientation simply make a mockery of the police force and bring the administration of justice into disrepute.”
Fonseca said the guidelines amount to “giving special rights to gay-activists in hiring, retention and advancement.”
“This is not about protecting a disadvantaged group,” he told LifeSiteNews. “The fact is, gay-activists wield all the institutional power these days. From journalism, to TV, to academia, to the courts, politics, you name it, they own it. And now they want the nation’s police service.”
Fonseca said that the position of power currently belongs to homosexual activists and their allies and that they have consistently used their power to silence dissent.
“They routinely use it to persecute Christians, for instance, in broadcasting, running bed n’ breakfasts, teaching, lodging and other occupations where traditionally-principled Canadians are losing their livelihoods at the hands of gay-activists.”
“Where is the 82-page document to protect Christians?” Fonseca asked.
Gwen agrees with Fonseca, adding that the document “includes many references to the fact that the LGBTQ Community have a right to be an active part of the police services, and be consulted in any matter involving them.”
“That is, yet again, a demand for special rights and privileges not available to others,” she told LifeSiteNews.
“If the police forces implement these recommendations, it places the LGBTQ Community in a special privileged position in regard to the application of the law.”
Source: LifeSiteNews