Canadians have always been open to immigration. Due to our welcoming attitude, Canada has grown and flourished because of immigrants’ contributions to our country. The Liberal government’s immigration policy, however, is raising red flags for Canadians.
According to Statistics Canada, Canada’s population last year grew by more than a million immigrants or 2.9%, the highest rate since the late 1950s, and outstrips, by a wide margin, every other G7 country. This massive immigration is causing concerns because of the housing problem experienced across Canada. There is a limited supply of housing which is causing difficulties for those seeking rental or ownership. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation stated, in a September 13, 2023, report, that Canada needs 3.5 million more units, on top of those already being built, to restore affordability.
Further, our health care system is in desperate shape. About six million people across Canada lack access to a family doctor. According to the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), even among those who have a family doctor, about a third of them experience long wait times to access their doctor and to obtain required surgery.
Curious Aspects of Increased Immigration
There are several curious aspects to the current increase in immigration.
The number of non-permanent immigrants increased 16% this past year. They are students, those on temporary work permits, refugees, and migrant farm workers. Although some do remain in Canada, most will not stay here permanently working, paying taxes, and raising a family (which would increase our desperately needed birth rate). Instead, they will spend most of their lives living in their country of origin.
As of June 2023, the number of non-permanent residents stood at nearly 2.2 million, about 5.5% of Canada’s population. In fact, temporary immigration surpassed permanent immigration for the first time last year, when permanent immigration was already close to a record high. According to Statistics Canada, there are now more temporary residents in Canada than there are Indigenous people.
Curious Aspects to the Liberals’ Immigration Policy
Even the incompetent Liberal Government led by Justin Trudeau, couldn’t possibly be blind to the pressing problems Canadians are experiencing, which will multiply with increased immigration. The question then becomes why is Trudeau bringing in so many immigrants all at once, at this difficult time? Is there some reason for doing so, apart from Canada’s need for more workers?
The Provincial Nominee Program is the program under which the provinces set the eligibility requirements for immigrants. The demographics of the western provinces are being dramatically changed by Trudeau’s immigration policy.
Targeting Alberta
Although the number of immigrants and their eligibility is determined by individual provinces and territories, Alberta, which has no Liberal seats in Parliament, is apparently being targeted by the Liberal government’s immigration strategy. This strategy has worked in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), which is a centre for immigration settlement. It has provided a multitude of Liberal MPs in Parliament: Iqra Khalid (Mississauga–Erin Mills), Kamal Khera (Brampton West), Sonia Sidhu (Brampton South), Arif Virani (Parkdale–High Park), Omar Alghabra (Mississauga Centre), Bardish Chagger (Waterloo), and Ahmed Hussen (York South–Weston). In fact, high immigrant areas in the GTA, including Brampton, Markham, and Scarborough are tight with Liberal MPs.
The Liberal strategy appears to be to match the ethnicity of its candidate with the predominant majority of the “minority” population in a riding.
This strategy may be the blueprint for the Liberals’ move to populate western Canada with immigrants, who will represent the Liberal Party by obtaining ethnic candidates to run in elections. One does not require a crystal ball to see how successful this strategy is likely to be in Alberta. It is noteworthy that the Prairie Provinces are now receiving more of their share of immigrants. In 2022 Manitoba and Saskatchewan’s, immigration increase has grown from virtually 0% to 7%. In 2022 Alberta and the Atlantic provinces, the increase went from 1% of immigrants to 7%.
The Strategy
For this Liberal strategy to be successful, several factors must be put in place:
- The ethnic candidates must be suitable to the Liberals, in that they must be agreeable to abandon their culture and faith, to jump on the Liberal anti-family bandwagon and promote abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, same-sex marriage, etc. Candidates must also be willing to promote other contentious issues, such as climate change, the carbon tax, decriminalization of drugs, and the establishment of drug injection sites, “safe supply” of drugs, and closing down the oil and gas industry, to name a few of the Liberal policies.
- The ethnic communities must be organized so as to encourage the electorate to vote for ethnic political candidates solely because of their ethnicity, rather than basing their vote on their own values, or on those of the candidate, which may be contrary to the faith and culture of the voter.
- A low voter turnout by non-ethnic voters is necessary, so that the ethnic vote is able to dominate election returns.
In effect, the Liberal strategy is to manipulate the ethnic vote to elect candidates suitable for the Liberal party’s purposes, but not necessarily for that ethnic community’s traditional values, since the Liberal candidates cannot promote them or vote for them.
For those skeptical about this strategy, one should look to the 2021 election in Calgary of “Muslim” mayor, Jyoti Gondek, who was elected with a low voter turnout of 44.86%, resulting on her winning the election with only 46.38% of the votes. Ms. Gondek is now actively promoting liberal, “woke” policies in Calgary – most of which are unacceptable to Calgarians. Her predecessor, Mayor Naheed Nenshi, was also an ethnic Muslim, who was elected in the 2010 Calgary municipal election with just 39% of the vote. He was the first Muslim mayor of a large North American city. He promoted progressive “woke” policies. The current mayor of Edmonton, Amarjeet Sohi, also an ethnic Muslim, was a former cabinet minister under Justin Trudeau. Edmonton is known as the epicentre for the NDP party in Alberta. Every Edmonton seat in the May 2023 provincial election was won by the NDP, while the rest of the province voted for a Conservative/ United Conservative (UCP) majority.
The Rights of Ethnic Voters
Those with an ethnic background have the right, equal to other citizens, to voice their concerns in Canadian politics. Trudeau did a disservice to the ethnic Muslims, who participated in the 1 Million March 4 Children by stating, “We condemn this hate and its manifestation”, signalling that “transphobia, homophobia and biphobia have no place in this country”. In this way, Trudeau stigmatizes Muslim’s legitimate concerns for their children as phobias and elevates his and his party’s leftist values above Muslims’ beliefs about family. Muslim and other ethnic voters should not be manipulated as tools to promote the government’s agenda.
Information Not Reported in the Media
The above analysis of immigrant distribution has not been disclosed in the mainstream media, for three reasons. First, the concern over accusations of “racism” so prevalent across Canada today every time one merely raises critical questions about Liberal immigration policy. Second, the mainstream media support Trudeau’s woke progressive policies and therefore approve of the Trudeau strategy, which works more effectively if carried out discreetly and behind the scenes. Third, the media don’t want to risk their government funding through the Liberal Party slush fund that is Heritage Canada.
Failure to report openly and honestly about immigration trends and their full impact on Canada is a huge disservice to Canadians of all backgrounds.