Ottawa, Ontario Sept 26, 2023
Media Release
The Conservative Party Must Provide Moral Leadership
Last week’s Million March 4 Children was an example of peaceful protest by concerned Canadians from all backgrounds and Faiths right across Canada. A truly multi-cultural composition of parents and their supporters reflecting the rich mosaic that is Canadian society in 2023, united in their opposition to the forced LGBTQ indoctrination in the nation’s schools. “Leave the kids alone” resounded in cities across Canada as a legitimate reminder that children do not belong to the government but to their families, and that parents are ultimately responsible for their education and wellbeing, and that includes a veto over the homosexual/transgender ideology attempting to sexualize children.
Although the pro-family/pro-children protestors numbered in the thousands, the counter protest from the transgender lobby managed a few hundred at best. Interestingly, that lobby now seems to include organized labour, despite the fact that many rank-and-file union members are among those concerned for their children’s safety and education. In any event, those in the counter protest hardly pose an electoral existential threat.
Only Bernier Stood with Parents and their Supporters
Among the thousands of Canadians taking part was Maxime Bernier of the People’s Party of Canada, who made brief remarks at the Ottawa March. Notably absent on the day were any Conservative MPs, including their leader, Pierre Poilievre.
Of course, Justin Trudeau was quick to condemn the protestors as was NPD Leader and co-Prime Minister, Jagmeet Singh. Two days after the Million March, in response to Trudeau’s shameful tweet condemning the protestors, it is reported that Poilievre finally chose to rebuke Trudeau on social media commenting: “Justin Trudeau always divides to distract from all he has broken. This time, he is demonizing concerned parents. Parents should be the final authority on the values and lessons that are taught to children. Trudeau should butt out and let parents raise their kids.”
What took Poilievre and his handlers so long to say something? A leaked memo addressed to the Conservative Caucus obtained by the Canadian Press prior to the Million March appears to have contained the Conservative strategy, i.e., keep a low profile. This memo reportedly recognized that the protesters have “legitimate points to make” with respect to the issue of “parental rights.” However, this same memo purportedly included a statement “Please do not talk to media or post on social media about this issue.”
Should the matter arise, the memo advised making reference to Poilievre’s earlier public comment that “parents should be the final authority on the values and lessons that should be taught to children.”
Time for Real Conservative Leadership
The lack of upfront and immediate support and the subsequent silence of Poilievre and the Conservatives on the day of the Million March is deafening for a number of reasons.
First, it is not enough to simply dismiss the education issue as being a “provincial” matter. Many issues are provincial matters, such as housing, daycare and health care, and that has never stopped a federal leader from having an opinion or a policy. Indeed, all the above-mentioned provincial matters are now the subject of active federal involvement.
Second, showing solidarity with the protestors is the morally right thing to do.
Third, support of the Million March 4 Children will not only assist children and their families, it will also lend credence and support to the governments of Saskatchewan and New Brunswick and their efforts to ensure parental knowledge and consent for what happens to their children in public schools.
Fourth, it may have slipped the Tory’s notice, but in a very real sense, “children are our future” is more than a hackneyed cliché. It is no accident that Nazi Germany established the Hitler Youth, or the Communist USSR set up the Young Pioneers, or that Mao’s Cultural Revolution turned children into agents of the State as Red Guards to denounce their parents as counterrevolutionaries and revisionists.
Leftist movements always seek to indoctrinate children, the younger the better. And that is precisely what all the fuss is about regarding “gender ideology”—the indoctrination and sexualization of children with false and dangerous information and attitudes about human sexuality and their own place in the world.
Fifth, the view of the Left, aptly captured by Trudeau’s tweet “transphobia, homophobia and biphobia have no place in this country,” is nothing but a cheap and dishonest attempt to change the narrative. Just because you are against and not “for” something, doesn’t mean you have a “phobia” (as if that was a bad thing) or hate it. When did disapproval of a lifestyle become “hate”? Whatever happened to tolerance and diversity? From the left/homosexual lobby’s perspective, it has never been about acceptance, but approval and affirmation.
Finally, votes should not be taken for granted, they must be earned. Mr. Poilievre and his colleagues would do well to remember that and start living up to the conservative values and expectations of not only those in the Party that have put them in places of leadership and political responsibility, but also thousands of Canadians who are looking for a real change in direction away from the Liberal progressive dead end that we are fast approaching. It starts with showing some courage and moral certitude to unambiguously affirm and support parents’ rights and the ending of the sexualization of children.
For further information contact:
Pauline Guzik
National President
REAL Women of Canada
Cathy Smith
Western Canada Board Member
REAL Women of Canada