There has been a concerted effort across Canada to stamp out the pro-life voice.  Abortion bubble zone legislation in seven of the ten provinces is a prime example of this plan.  There are other attempts to do so, such as the bizarre Strathmore, Alberta, by-law which not only bans graphic abortion pictures, but any photograph of an unborn child, even an ultrasound image of a developing baby.  Calgary City Council passed a by-law also severely limiting the distribution of pro-life literature, particularly abortion victims’ photographs.  It seems the public must not know about the horrors of abortion.

A Christian group, Harvest International, planned to hold a rally between June 23 and July 2, 2023 for about 1,200 people each day in the Quebec City Community Centre. The rally was to feature prayer, music, and artistic and cultural presentations based on issues of faith.

Harvest International is pro-life, but the program did not include a pro-life event. However, on June 1, the organization was notified, without prior notice, by the Quebec government, that the rental agreement had been terminated. Premier Francois Legault stated that, “we’re not going to allow anti-abortion groups to put on big shows in public places”.

The Quebec Government is now being sued by Harvest International for breach of its constitutional rights to freedom of assembly, to live out their faith, and to express themselves politically.

Another example of stamping out the pro-life voice is Joyce Arthur, Executive Director of Abortion Rights Coalition, who diligently worked, unsuccessfully, to remove the charitable tax status from pregnancy care centres.  Trudeau jumped on her idea in the 2021 federal election, but has since failed to carry it out. The light dawned that such a policy would make the one-sided, biased, government financed abortion clinics vulnerable to having the possible removal of their charitable tax status as well.

In another undertaking, Arthur announced, to her shock, that a pro-life group in 2022 received a grant of $3,383 from the Canada Summer Jobs program.  She obviously believes that only pro-abortion groups have a right to tax-payers’ money. Arthur has demanded that the grant to the pro-life group be returned.  In comparison to this small grant, the pro-abortion organization, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, received $3,003,355 from the government the same year.  The discrimination experienced by the pro-life movement in Canada is odious.

Abortion activists, however, continue to devise new methods to try to silence the pro-life voice.  This recently was experienced by the Prince George Pro-Life Society.  (See article in this issue).

Refusal to be Silenced

The pro-life voice will never be silenced, not for our sake, but for the sake of helpless human beings who are indiscriminately and carelessly killed and disposed of as human waste (except those who can be sold for profit to universities and drug companies for human experimentation.)

Abortion is a repulsive and reprehensible practice in our culture. Individuals within the pro-life movement have a profound understanding of this. No matter what grenades the pro-abortionists choose to toss at us, we refuse to be silenced.