In August, Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland was confronted by a single protester while stepping onto an elevator in Grande Prairie, Alberta. The protester verbally attacked her, using rude, foul language. Ms. Freeland responded to him with her customary smirk, the elevator doors closed, and that was that.
Trudeau, however, has chosen to exploit this event, lecturing Canadians in his best drama school teacher manner that such “hate” must stop. He informed Canadians that he is obliged now to protect politicians and journalists from such indecencies. The despicable behaviour of one individual, however, is not an indictment of all Canadians, who, obviously, cannot be condemned for such disgraceful behaviour, despite Trudeau’s attempt to make it so.
Journalists Support Trudeau’s Accusations
Canadian journalists, who are on Trudeau’s payroll, right on cue, sent Trudeau and his cabinet ministers a letter demanding action on the growing abuse of journalists. The letter was signed by 43 media organizations and outlets, including the favoured recipients of Trudeau’s funding, such as the Toronto Star, Global News, Postmedia, and the Winnipeg Free Press, among others.
The media’s account of the Freedom Convoy last February, which blindly followed Trudeau’s interpretation of the event, was the breaking point that finished off any lingering respect that ordinary Canadians might have had for the media. This incident exposed the media as mere spinners of false news.
It doesn’t help the reputation of the media that the Associated Press Stylebook, which is a manual for the mainstream media, expressly states that it is a false balance to give a platform to those deviating from the accepted, contemporary narrative. The Stylebook suggests, straight up, that editorializing is acceptable in promoting left-wing ideological conformity on issues such as homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, gender identity, etc. It is not surprising, therefore, that the media is perceived by many Canadians as “useful idiots” for their one-sided reporting.
Trudeau’s Astonishing Hypocrisy
The real source of the division in Canada can be fairly attributed to Trudeau himself. This is not the opinion only of REAL Women, but was also reflected in a Postmedia-Leger poll released in July 2022. According to this poll, more than half of the respondents, regardless of party support, disapproved of the job Trudeau was doing as Prime Minister. Further, more than 60% of the respondents agreed that Trudeau has been a divisive Prime Minister. In effect, Canadians believe that Trudeau’s government has undermined the social cohesion of this country.
Trudeau’s Divisive Strategy
Trudeau condemned the participants in the Freedom Convoy as “racists”, “white supremacists”, “misogynists”, “haters” and a fringe group holding unacceptable and disreputable views. This, despite the fact that there was no evidence to support these assumptions – especially since many of the truckers included Sikhs and Indigenous people who would not fit his racist category.
Trudeau also contributed to anti-Catholic bigotry in Canada in order to shift the blame to the Catholic Church for the residential schools problem, ignoring the fact that the federal Indian Affairs Department was responsible for the establishment of the schools, funded them inadequately, and administered them. He also attempted to deflect his own failure to respond to the 94 calls to action requested by the Truth and Reconciliation Report. Trudeau’s Minister of Northern Affairs, Dan Vandal, added fuel to the fire by stating that religious leaders who operated the residential school system in Canada should be accountable and charged for the crimes committed.
Such inflammatory language was repeated by Trudeau again, in Quebec City in July 2022 in the presence of the Pope, when he condemned the institutional Catholic Church for the wrongdoings perpetrated at residential schools.
Trudeau Government Funds Hate
- The Minister of Diversity and Inclusion, Ahmed Hussen gave $268,400 to the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) to produce a booklet, supposedly to stamp out hate, which was to be distributed to school children across the country. The pamphlet, however, attacked the Conservative Party, as well as all conservative organizations and their values. Hussen also gave a further identical grant of $268,400 to the same organization to assist them it in setting up its website – an organization that is a source of much hate itself.
- The Department of Canadian Heritage gave a half million dollars over the past few years to another racist organization, called The Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC), owned and operated by two individuals, Laith Marouf and his wife. Included in this funding was a $138,000 grant to cover the cost of operating anti-racism “seminars” across the country. Marouf has been revealed to have made, on his Twitter account, horrific anti-Semitic statements. He has also referred to Franco-Canadians as “frogs” and referred to a number of black and Indigenous peoples as “house slaves”. Mr. Marouf also stated in his post on Twitter, that “Jewish White Supremacists” should be given a “bullet to the head”.
These disgusting comments could have been quickly revealed if a cursory review of Marouf’s past records had been conducted by the department.
The hopelessly incompetent Minister of Diversity and Inclusion, Ahmed Hussen, when questioned about these shocking grants to the racist organization responded by stating that he had dealt with the problem by asking the organization why it had hired a racist such as Mr. Marouf. Since the organization, consisted solely of the latter and his wife, this was not exactly a decisive action.
Trudeau Ignores Hate Against Ordinary Canadians
Trudeau’s concern about hate in Canada seems to be directed towards protecting powerful, elite members of society, such as politicians and journalists, while ignoring ordinary Canadians. Statistics Canada, however, issued a report in August 2022, which revealed that the majority of hate crimes were directed against racial minorities, 23% against religious minorities, 11% against homosexuals and lesbians and 5% against ethnic (cultural) minorities. Further, according to this report, anti-Catholic hatred and bigotry increased 260% between 2020 to 2021. Undoubtedly, this latter staggering increase can be attributed, at least in part, to Trudeau’s inflammatory language against the Catholic Church. Further, according to B`nai Brith’s data on anti-Semitic instances in Canada, there has been a 50% increase in anti-Semitic activity since 1992. The Statistics Canada report indicates that ordinary Canadian citizens, not just the elites, experience hatred. Why isn’t Trudeau concerned about them?
Trudeau’s Mindset
Trudeau seems to believe that he has a moral duty to corral, instruct, and control the unruly Canadian masses as to how they may conduct themselves, what to believe and say. He thinks that, he alone, should be determining, according to his own impeccable standards, the behaviour of Canadians. He is behaving like a totalitarian, rather than the leader of a free country.