Support Our LifeFunder Campaign!

Help REAL Women of Canada promote the equality, advancement and well-being of all women, and to motivate government to integrate the needs of the family into government policy and legislation.

We are the only social conservative women’s advocacy group in Canada.  Since federally incorporated in 1983, REAL Women of Canada has positioned itself as the only independent, non-government funded, non-profit organization representing women who uphold traditional values in a not so traditional world. We are an alternative for the majority of Canadian women who do not support the radical feminist ideology.  At the core of our efforts is the belief that the natural family of mother, father and children is the most important and fundamental unit of society.

When government steps in to create legislation which undermines the family, we step in to share a perspective that may otherwise not be represented.  We promote the equality, advancement and well-being of women.  We believe in respecting life from conception to natural death and we bring opinion to societal issues that weaken, ignore, and even destroy our core values of family, freedom and faith.