Ottawa, Ontario                                                                                         January 10, 2019

                            Media Release 

Trudeau’s Misleading Revisions on the Summer Jobs Program 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has attempted damage control in this election year in regard to his controversial policy on the Summer Jobs Program (SJP).  The previous policy required applicants to attest support for abortion. The policy created a huge firestorm of protest for its totalitarian and discriminatory approach to government funding.

As a result, on December 6, 2018, Trudeau proposed revisions to this controversial policy.  These revisions, however, do not “fix the problem”.

This is because Prime Minister Trudeau’s revisions include ambiguities and vague terms which will inevitably be interpreted for Trudeau’s own purposes should he be re-elected in October, 2019.  A few of these ambiguities in his revised policy include that projects or activities will be ineligible for SJP funding if they “advocate intolerance, discrimination and/or prejudice”.  Unfortunately, there is no guidance as to examples of activities that may “advocate” intolerance, discrimination and prejudice so there is no way of knowing how this will be interpreted.  Another ambiguity in the revised policy is that funded projects must not “discriminate…on the basis of prohibited grounds such as gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, etc.”  How will this be interpreted?  The program requires that funded projects may not “undermine” or “restrict” sexual and reproductive health services.  How will this be interpreted?  Another requirement under the revised guidelines is that the employer who receives funding must describe how he/she is providing an environment free of harassment and discrimination (e.g., hiring practices, policies, guidelines).  What does this mean?

It is obvious that Trudeau’s revised policy on the SJP has only re-arranged the wording of the policy but leaves in place the substance of the original policy, subject, of course, to interpretation.  Trudeau hopes that faith-based individuals and groups will be misled by this new ambiguous policy and, as a result, will support his party in the 2019 election.

It is important to note that if re-elected, nothing will stop Trudeau from extending his controversial funding policies to require all those seeking federal funds in all government departments (not just the Summer Jobs Program) to require support for his own Liberal Party “values”.  This issue, therefore, is far from over.

Canadians should regard Trudeau’s revisions on the Summer Jobs Program with skepticism and mistrust.

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For further information contact:

Gwendolyn Landolt                                                       Diane Watts
National Vice-President                                               Researcher
REAL Women of Canada                                             REAL Women of Canada
(905) 787-0348                                                              (613) 236-4001
(905) 731-5425                                                               email:
